Rachel Barton


About Rachel

Rachel Barton is a writer, editor, and social media manager who has worked with the Smithsonian Center for Folklife & Cultural Heritage, Imperic Media, Washington Square Review, and Prevention Corps. She is a sucker for novels with sprawling families and nonfiction with genre-bending tendencies.


How to Calculate a Business Owner’s Salary

Every business owner needs to pay themselves, but how much should your salary be and when should you be paid? Use these calculations to determine your pay.


How to Find a Business Mentor

A business mentor can provide the advice and support new entrepreneurs need. Here are six ways to find a business mentor.


Tax Deductions for Small Businesses

Here are 12 tax deductions you may be able to claim on your business’s tax returns.


How Do Charitable Donations Impact Your Taxes?

Donating throughout the year can significantly lower your tax burden, but make sure you’re keeping the right documentation filed.

8 Tips for Marketing a Self-Published Book

Learn how to find your target audience and best promote your self-published book using social media, metadata, and reviews.

Top Transferable Skills to Teach Your Employees

Leaders can help their employees refine their innate, individual skills and teach them new ones that improve their job performance and boost the company’s overall success.

Imposter Syndrome in the Workplace and How to Overcome It

Learn to recognize the symptoms of imposter syndrome, how it can affect your mental health and professional relationships, and what you can do to mitigate it.

How to Use Third-Party Apps Safely at Your Business

Third-party apps can help small businesses, but they also pose data security risks. Here’s how to protect business and customer data while using third-party apps.


6 Tools & Strategies for Identity Protection at Your Small Business

Here’s how business owners and their employees can minimize the chances of a security breach online or in person.


How to Start a Real Estate Business: Step-by-Step Guide

Learn the necessary requirements and fees to officially operate as a real estate agent and the marketing techniques to make your business successful.