Emily Heaslip


About Emily

Emily is a versatile freelance copywriter who writes for brands and agencies in tech, finance, and fashion. She is currently based in Cape Town and spends her free time running around Table Mountain.


Manufacturing Partner Terms to Know

These key manufacturing terms can help you communicate with your factory partner and keep your operations running smoothly.


Secured Business Loans: The Pros and Cons

Secured business loans require you to have collateral, such as a large business or personal asset. Here are the pros and cons.

Is Free Delivery Good for Business?

Free delivery, when set up as a subscription model, is great for businesses and customers, according to a new study.

Should You Turn Off Social Media Comments on Your Business Accounts?

It's best to keep the comments turned on, even if someone has negative feedback for your business.

B2B Marketing Tactics That Work

These marketing tactics can improve the long-term growth prospects of your B2B brand.

Businesses That Will Be in Demand in 2025 and Beyond

These five market segments are predicted to grow rapidly between 2023 and 2030.

How to Spark Entrepreneurial Creativity

These five strategies can help you break out of your creative rut and spark entrepreneurial thinking.


How to Test Business Ideas

Testing your business idea will help you prove its viability and ensure there's a solid market for your new company. Here are seven steps to get started.


What Is Financial Accounting?

Proper financial accounting and reporting are vital to a small business.

How to Be a More Authentic Entrepreneur (and How It Can Help Your Business)

Authenticity is more than just a marketing buzzword. Here's how to make your next venture truly authentic to build long-term customer loyalty.